"The difference between a good community and a great community is leadership."
How can a nation spend annually 1.5 Trillion dollars in a free country built by enslaved ancestors to be second-class citizens in 2020? Sixty-plus years later collectively, we cannot feed our people, holistically? The answer, empathic African American leadership, is dead, ignorant, mentally and physically sick, and vote against their own best interests for a chicken sandwich given by African American politicians to keep them in power for another pension. (Warren Jones (30 plus years), Denise Lee (25 plus years), The Gaffney Brothers, Brenda P. Jackson, Betty Burney, and many others are receiving a pension check, etc., Over 80 years of despicable leadership receivables to the community, two, the Ritz, and the Legend Center? Consolidation, River City Renaissance Plan, the Better Jacksonville Plan, DCPS Magnet Plan, civic and social Initiatives bamboozles stymies the Equality of income, opportunity, education, and social outcomes holistically for the African Village. The @AAERTT research shows since the end of the Civil Rights Era, we have regressed into a burning house perpetuated by AA leaders' ignorance and cowardice. Because of their dubious leadership, not racism, poor leadership is the leading pathology stymies of the African nation in Jacksonville.
Before the post-Civil Rights era, African Americans had a common philosophy of one love regardless of our economic status as individuals. Since then, the African American community has regressed holistically into a state of profound ignorance perpetuated by misguided African American leadership. Today, a dollar lasts for 30 minutes in the African American community. Our families are broken and stricken holistically. Our children don't trust us. Most African American adult males can't read at a sixth-grade level or have little empathy for family and community. Black Leadership is dead at the end of the Civil Rights era.
Black Leaders are killing the African American Community, collectively and holistically.
As I write this great truth concerning apathetic African American leadership, it comes with great pain. As a child, I learned early in life everything has a price. As an Adult male and father, I understand the power of those words. The African American leadership in Jacksonville has collectively failed to realize or cultivate this life principle. Jacksonville African American Leadership has not understood “no one is coming to save us.” Since the end of the Civil Rights era, the African American community has regressed into a sorry state of social, civic, and economic co-dependency. The African American Religious and Political leadership ignorance are holistically killing the soul of the African American community.
My black year: Maggie Anderson at TEDxGrandRapids
Margarita Anderson and her family were featured in national headlines as they lived exclusively off Black businesses, professionals, and products for an entire...
I agree with Civil Rights Leader and Mentor Mr. Edward Exson Sr; Truth Telling Time, 6/9/2009: “Whereas, hundreds of thousands of African-Americans fall from radar walk off the face of the earth; with few that have empathy for their circumstances and others thinking with their demise the world is better off. Blacks, we should not be surprised if our condition, we were precaution in The Dark Ghetto by Dr. Kenneth Clark, The Moynihan Report by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan then-Assistant Secretary of Labor, An American Dilemma: The Negro problem and modern democracy, by Gunnar Myrdal, economist, and politician, The Mis-Education of the Negro, by Dr. Carter G. Woodson. Those men understood slavery’s impact on us. However, we opposed their writing, still in denial and unable to contradict any work. We could have been rescued from our designed destructive plight with education, Dr. King’s victories, and ethnic unity. However, our contemporary black leaders chose self and ethnic discrimination, which has consequences as bad as racial discrimination. I acknowledge with pride that many blacks have made many significant contributions to America. Accordingly, blacks in Jacksonville have hardly an organization or group this date that has more substance than folly (so sad). Most preachers are morally bankrupt and intellectually inept. Legislatively our elected officials have done absolutely nothing; look at our neighborhoods; they should be made to wear jockey silks to see whose stable owns them. The SCLC locally is dead! The Local NAACP is no semblance of an organization for change. President Rumlin puts a chokehold on any community initiative for change. I applauded Ms. Atkins for her insight on the education committee. Other agencies are just about pomp. Now that the social scientist has started a subtle ethnic cleansing in this new world order, I suggest to you that Dr. King’s dream has been thwarted by his people’s commissions and omissions from a variety of fronts. Despite Obama, what you will see within 100 years, white boys and girls will be asking what happened to black people. That you will see. Edward Exson 2009”
When Blacks Ruled The Planet Runoko Rashidi 2017
Discover Global African Presence Africans outside of Africa before and after enslavement. THE ROYAL DYNASTIES KUSH-THE HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT NILE VALLEY THROUGH ART Runoko Rashidi is an anthropologist and historian with a significant focus on what he calls the Global African Presence–that is, Africans outside of Africa before and after enslavement ...
Today, leadership is required in the African American community more than ever. For more than 50 years, the Black Leadership has betrayed the African American community. No longer can the African American community allow leadership folly, religious fanaticism, and political cronyism to misdirect our resolve. The African American community collectively suffers not because of racism, poverty, or crime. The primary reason is self-inflicted ignorance. The present African American leadership, especially the Faith-based, cannot decrease the pathology in North Jacksonville. I respect the African American religious leadership but hold them accountable overall for the blighted economic condition in the urban core.
Dr. John Henrik Clarke and Dr. Amos Wilson - Taking Back our Minds
Subscribe to Transatlantic Productions 💥Smash The LIKE Button👍🏿 Share↗️ &hit the Notifications Bell 🔔 Donate so we can complete the upload https://www.gofun...
out. be
The African American Economic Recovery Think Tank has developed a holistic economic roadmap impacting the Quality of Life in the urban core throughout Jacksonville North Bank. The AAERTT understands the methodology needed to affect these communities. The AAERTT knows how to build a competent goal-driven team to achieve that strategy. AAERTT has four implementation components required to increase the Quality of Life index by 20 to 30 percent within five years in North Jacksonville.
1. Family Infrastructure – Life Skills, Home Economics, P
2. Afrocentric Education – African Arts, African History and STEM
3. Preventive Health – (Obesity, Prescription Drugs Overdose, Sexual Diseases, etc.)
4. Cooperative Economics – Business Development and Ownership
The social pathology you see today is a directly correlates to apathetic leadership failure to understand and implement Community Engagement 101. The only way to improve the blighted conditions of so many in the Urban Core requires new critical thinking leadership. Open-minded cohesive leaders and readers live in the community and are committed to African American resolve.
Stanley Scott
Managing Director
PO Box 2672
Jacksonville, Florida 32203
Website: www.aaertt.net
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @aaertt
Phone – 404-719-7188