As a Black Gay Man who is over 50 years of age, I continuously find it deplorable that the Black Community STILL finds ways to want to fight BLACK LGBT+ people while spewing rhetoric that has been derived out of fear and religious manipulation!!
When are we going to find our COMMON GROUND and STAND TOGETHER IN THE FIGHT instead of taking sides to furhter demean, dehumanize, ostracize, criticize, and emaciate one another????
We don't have to AGREE with one another on lifestyle and cultural practices, BUT we MUST be willing to see we are NOT each other's ENEMY!! BLACK FOLK are BLACK FOLK in this country, REGARDLESS of Sexual Orientation... an avenue that SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED because this is PERSONAL!! If we are not fixing the problem of Men having 34 children and 17 "baby mamas" or Women who have 17 kids with 8 baby daddies... HOW are we focusing on the bedroom activities of CONSENTING SAME GENDER LOVING ADULTS????
I am hoping for a REAL platform discussion where we can REMOVE the egos and the stigma of what people THINK being GAY IS and have honest communication on how to MOVE THE POPULACE FORWARD FOR ALL BLACK FOLK IN THIS COUNTRY without fighting about 'being Black FIRST"!!!
I AM BOTH..I stand at the INTERSECTION of Black and Gay.... BUT. the WORLD MAKES ME BLACK FIRST because of my skin color.. BUT BLACKS MAKE ME GAY FIRST because they question my masculinity!!!
FYI, You are not alone. I have been working on a new book, looking into the origin of violence against women. It was not so long ago that husbands had the legal right to beat and rape wives. Some countries, including the US, now have laws against this, it still exists in other places. It is interesting that religions that disagree with each other on many things, appear to be in agreement on issues that those raped, beaten or killed by such belief when originated, struggle for centuries to remove these practices. These include practices like bury the wives of pharohs in the tomb with their husbands when they die; burning women on the funeral pyres of their husbands to prove they were good wives (and tying them up and killing them on the pryre anyway if they didn't go willingly); burning women at the stake when they were accused of witchcraft; the Spanish Inquisition; in other places throwing women off clifts or tying them up and throwing them in a lake or river to determine their innocense (if they drowned, they were innocent and got buried in "sacred" cemeteries. These practices were sometimes rationalized as a means of men deamed stronger "taking care of" women who were viewed weaker. Determining strength and weakness depends on different ways of looking at things. A pregnant woman (like many comsidered of lower importance) can work in cotton or other fields, stop and deliver her baby alone, wrap the baby and return to working on the field with the baby on her back. This indicates strength that only women have. A recent scientific discovery among some animal that were near extinction has presented some changes among animal life in which a new kind of female has evolved in which only a single gender has evolved which can complete the entire
procreation process alone. There has also been evidience that humans are not the only animals which have multiple genders. Evolution seems to be made up of changes over longer periods than the lives of any living things. Food for thought.