So far as of this writing, there have been many civilians and some Israeli troops dead because of the hands of Hamas and their deadly strike on the people of Israel.
The biggest mistake for Hamas is to challenge or pick a fight with a country that has been raging wars and shaking down its opponents for many centuries and that’s Israel. War has been a way of life for Israel.
Hamas have been the biggest coward since Al Queda struck the U.S. on September 11, 2001.
Who are these people that’s doing all this damage in the first place? According to Wikipedia, Hamas is a Palestinian Sunni Islamist political and military organization governing the Gaza Strip of the Palestinian territories, which are occupied by Israel under international law. Headquartered in Gaza City, it has a presence in the West Bank, the larger of the two Palestinian territories, in which its secular rival Fatah exercises control.
The question remains, for what is the cost of such a piece of real estate as important and vital to Israel and the world?
The biggest mission of Hamas is to destroy Israel and every nation on earth.
They will not stop until Israel tumbles and falls from grace taking over Israel.
Next to conquer, the United States. Perhaps a repeat of 9–11? We certainly hope not.
To defeat Hamas, they have to be beaten at their game by destroying their various tunnels.
Now, there are too many civilians dying because of Hamas to use them as shields, any excuse to murder anyone who does not look like them. Killing men, women, and children to make a point that seems pointless.
The threat gets real when Hamas, according to the chatter from intelligence, America could be in threat once more; remember September 11th?
Destroying Hamas and its every movement will take time I am sure, but they have to be stopped before they destroy other countries or even die trying.
War is hell but victory can also be sweet once these extreme terror groups, these thugs with machine guns get shut down, their threats would be whittled down to just a conversation piece, a footnote, and a loud shout of AMEN heard everywhere.
The time is coming when more and more civilians will die if those living in that region evacuate those there so that they will be out of harm's way of the fighting to find safe shelter.
Hamas will have to pay for the damage and problems they brought on themselves by trying to take over and attack a country where their ground troops are showing more and more military strength as fighting continues.
This terrorist group did wrong in the eyes of God and the eyes of the world at large.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to keep fighting until Hamas is destroyed and by the looks of things, a promise is being kept lock, stock, and barrel.
The U.S. is in continuous support of our brothers and sisters in Israel as well as our prayers for the safety of those left behind due to this terrible war.
Keep Israel in your prayers so that peace may prevail.