Another unwarranted, homicide by another police officer, who according to a police body camera, of a citizen who was wrongfully murdered in the home of the one who called 911 because of an intruder.
Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman, tragically lost her life due to a gunshot wound to the head. The incident occurred in her Illinois home when she was shot by a now-fired sheriff’s deputy named Sean Grayson. The body camera video revealed that Massey ducked and apologized to Grayson seconds before he fired three shots, with the fatal blow striking her just beneath her left eye. The autopsy report confirmed her death as a homicide and highlighted the physical mismatch between Massey and the much larger Grayson, emphasizing the senseless and unnecessary use of force. Grayson, who is 6-foot-3 and 228 pounds, shot Massey while she was in a stooped position, coming up, further underscoring the excessive nature of the shooting. Authorities said Massey had called 911 to report a suspected prowler, but the situation escalated tragically when Grayson confronted her. The incident has sparked outrage and calls for justice, as the community mourns the loss of Sonya Massey.
There are groups and individuals seeking for justice for Massey’s family on this wrongful death of a daughter and mother. In the meantime, the deputy sheriff not only has been fired but will face, charges of murder, first-degree (3 counts), aggravated battery with a firearm and official conduct.
One life totally destroyed by being shot while another life destroyed by losing his job and spending it put behind bars for the rest of his life because he destroys another life in the home of the Sonya Massy, being a trigger-happy cop who did not care one or the other about another life.
Sonya Massey’s family with the help of Benjamin Crump who is an attorney that specializes in civil rights and catastrophic personal injury cases and such wrongful death lawsuits and cases like Treyvon Martin, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, George Floyd, Keenan Anderson, Randy Cox, Tyre Nichols, the people of Flint Michigan’s water crisis and others.
President Joe Biden spoke out on this incident, “Americans … should be able to [call for help] without fearing for our lives,” and that Massey “should be alive today.”
This disturbing homicide became part of a long growing list of police related deaths to some of those were murdered over the years. The longer the list, the more of our Black citizens are killed by the hands of those trigger-happy cops whose mission is to rid of every Black person from the face of this earth just like many White men tried to get rid of every Native American by stealing the land they owned, burned down the homes and rape their women.
Why it is not safe to walk to your nearest store to pick up something and all of sudden, a cop stops you for no reason and if you move the wrong way, you will either get tazed, beat up or more likely to be shot to death?
True story, I was living down in Miami when a guy I knew for some time living in the city. We greeted each other with a handshake. Now, we just say each other somewhere I think it was along NW 27th St, not that far from where I worked.
I asked my man, “did you see that”, meaning those undercover cops passed by us. So, they turned the police vehicles around and stopped where we were standing and talking.
They stopped and began to frisk us both again, thinking we were passing drugs to each other asking us questions and they found nothing!
The incident stayed with me for the rest of my adult life and wondered why we're getting frisked for nothing for something that I do not condone in?
Cops, especially white cops, I believe just loves busting Black males chops to see if they can get some kind of rise with us or just want to shoot another n-word down just to justify an unjustified act and then cover it up for no reason whatsoever.
This was the case of this executed and premeditated murder so that one person had to be the fall guy on this one. By the way, the other unnamed deputy sheriff was placed on “administrative leave”, aka he was off the hook for now until further investigation. How long to be “off the hook for now” is the other cop will be found out, sooner or what?
In the meantime, the family is seeking justice for a wrong that is not right and a time to seek justice for this family who lost a daughter, a mother of two and neighbor.
James Wilburn, Sonya Lynaye Wilburn-Massey’s father said something that is worth in giving the final words of this article that lead to her daughter’s murder, “you’ve killed the wrong Black woman this time!”
Words that should haunt the soul of her killer…….
Kenneth R. Jenkins is a freelance writer, poet, minister, podcaster, a devoted husband living in Savannah, GA.